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Showing posts from September, 2022

Week 2 - Reflection

 Hello readers,  I challenge you to think about what the definition of being good at something is? Society has created standards for being good at something. These skills include school, sports, music, painting and so much more.   There is also standards that each individual holds themselves to, to be considered good at something. There is also standards that each persons environment offers to them. The thing about being good at something is there are always standards, that we are constantly trying to reach.  As an educator, I think it is important to be able to help the students create their own definition of being good at something. In order to do this, they must be taught the skills necessary to do so. Some of these skills include creativity, problem solving, adaptability and many more. One important thing I think students need to learn to excel at a skill is to have the willingness to fail. This is something that is not taught, and not highlighted enoug...

Welcome Everyone!

 Welcome everyone to my learning adventure! September 11, 2022 My name is Rebecca Gobbi and I am currently in my fourth year of Concurrent Education at Brock University, and my teachable subjects are math and general science. I have always been interested about STEM related subjects, and I want to share that passion with others. STEM related subjects can become quite complex very quickly, and I hope to expand my knowledge on how to be an effective educator with these topics. I am always looking for new ways to make learning fun, and interactive. I believe that when an aspect of play is incorporated into teaching, it really makes a difference in the minds of the students.  One thing I wish to learn more about is the metal blocks that students get when it comes to STEM subjects. I would like to know where they originate from, and how to help the students overcome them. I think that every person is capable of doing STEM subjects, and should be given the chance to see their capabi...